If there's any news on crime cases, please send us an email and let us know and we will let everyone know about it too.

Email us at utarcps@gmail.com

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Safety Campaign 2010

Crime Prevention Society is delegated by UTAR to organise Safety Campaign 2010 to build the awareness among students towards their personal safety.The slogan proposed is "A Day an Awareness, A Better You"

Below is the name list for the organizing committee of Safety Campaign 2010:

Chairman :Ong Shi Yun
Vice Chairman :Tan Yi Hui
Secretary :Ong Yin Hway
Tresurer :Chua Mia Hang
Public Relation Manager:Gan Yue Xin
Logistic Manager :Lee Chin Han
Program Manager :Goh Jia Yung
Sponsorship Manager :Chai Wei Shi
Publicity Manager :Law Lay Li

Below are the proposed activities and I have summarized what we have discussed during the meeting :
Monday (18.1.2010)
Opening Ceremony and Exhibition
- includes information relating to drug,sex,crime and road accident
-It will be presented in the form of articles and picture.

Talk of Drug and Sex
- open to all UTARstudent (All CPS commitees and member are encourage to attend this talk)
-The estimated participant are 30 student
-The encee for this talk will be Tai Ee May and Goh Jia Yung.

Wenesday (20.1.2010)
Road Accidents
-A snake and ladder game will be introduced to the students which required students to answer a few question
-It will reflect what kind of road user they are such as safe road user or dangerous road user
-Presents such as sweets will be given to the participants

Thursday (21.1.2010)
Crime Prevention Exhibition
-Presented in the form of videos such as real cases
-Hundred of ribbons be distributed to the students as memoirs of this exhibition day

Sketch and Self Defense Demonstration
-It will be sketched out by the committees of CPS to let students be more aware of their surroundings
-Self-defense technique will be demonstrated to let students learnd the basic steps to protect themselves

- who got friends interested to be helper of safety campaign pls contact me or any organising committee ...thx

-All the helper will be given testimonial and recommendation letter


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Day, A Ribbon, An Awareness

First n foremost, sorry all for the delay in updating.

As required by DSA and as we have discussed in the meeting, we will organize a day of awareness as one of our events. Here are some suggestions with pros and cons of it. If there are other awareness which you think might work out, do leave a comment below or beside (chatbox). Thanks in advance =)

Suggestion 1 - Pink Ribbon (Breast Cancer Awareness)
October is the month of breast cancer awareness as seen on TV ads etc. This campaign is running now and we might as well join in the awareness. Pros is everyone know what this is and we might get sponsors easier this month or even next month (leftovers from NGO). Cons, UTAR people are to shy, so it might not work out. Imagine a guy talking bout breast cancer to a group of girls, it would be embarassing to both the guy(which is most probably ME) and girlS -___-" .

Suggestion 2 - Red Ribbon (AIDS Awareness)
As usual AIDS and HIV campaign. Pros is theres alot of NGO outside for us to get ribbons(might not need to make em n free brochures to give out and posters too). Con is whether if DSA allow us to get in the NGOs.

Suggestion 3 - White Ribbon (Gender violence -men working to end men's violence against women)
White Ribbon campaign is the international symbol of stopping violence against women. It comes with themes such as "walk a mile in her heels" n "in her shoes". Pros is simple n easy to understand awareness where it don't concern sensitive sexuality issues. Con is the $$$ for the ribbons, posters etc. We can always ask if we can do a donation drive for this day or not with DSA, cause the budget we need is not much and if some lecturers were to donate some of their pocket money then it would be nice. roughly below RM100 can make a decent awareness which can be considered MEGA i think.

Thats for suggestion. I'm still lacking people to help me out with this. I know thesis is all here and together with assignments and mid terms but this is just a simple 1 day awareness not for the sake of the society but also for the community. Think of it as some sort of charity.

So whoevers interested call/sms me. Got to go, got to sleep.

Best Regards,

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Election for chairperson

Ms. Servanes just called me that we need to find someone to be the chairperson. Her suggestion is to push everyone up to one grade higher. Means Law Lay Li will be the vice president, Sam will be the secretary, Irene will be the assistant secretary, and so on.

However I think this is not a good suggestion as someone might be asking why suddenly I will take secretary position, why suddenly I will become treasurer and so on so forth.

In order to avoid so many conflicts at the end of the day, my suggestion here is that the top 6 remain as the top 6. As for the rest, we will elect one of you to be the chairperson. That's mean, those who might be elected as chairperson will be:

1. Goh Jia Yung
2. Tan Yi Hui
3. Ong Shi Yun
4. Valerie Tan
5. Aaron Chong
6. Chai Wei Shi
7. Ng Pei Ying

So now, please let me know what is your opinion?
First option: Everyone will be pushing up one grade higher.
Second option: Straight away elect someone to be the chair.

If you choose second option, please suggest a person in the comment box.

Thank you.

Need it by tomorrow.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

KAJANG PRISION TOUR and some updates.

Dear CPS committees,

Our first event, which is Kajang Prison Tour will be held on 23rd of October (first week of short sem).

We will not open any booth during these two weeks, as we think that most of the students are not coming to school on week 13 and 14.

Therefore, I hope the organising committee as well as the Main Committees will put double effort in carrying out this event. Hope you guys can ask your friends and tell your friends around about this visit. As what Ms. servanes said, if one people can ask for 3 friends to join for the prision tour, so altogether we have 36 people. So I hope you all, I mean, we all can get at least 3 friends to come, as our target participants is 44 people.

During the last week of the sem break, we will need to get the name list of participants. So if any of your friends interested, you all write down her name, ID number, telephone number, and collect money from them, it's RM9 only, and immediately send all the details to the organising treasurer (ching wen @ 019 635 0580). And those who collect the money, please keep it properly and once meet the treasurer, please pass her the money. Our organising treasurer will distribute the resit to you all as soon as possible once she gets it. I have no better idea than this coz everyone is not coming back to school during sem break, and yet we need to get things done before the new sem open.

And one more things, all the organising committees must attend this event, and the Main committees, please support our first event and I hope all of us can participate and have fun on our first event.

As for Recruitment and 1day Awareness in our short sem, can the organising chairperson updates me with your progress? Thank you.

Unity and teamwork can bring a success. So let's revive CPS a little.

Good luck to you guyz in the coming final exam.

P/S: Once you read this, please call other CPS members to read.
For convenience, please add me in MSN: golden_leaf_may@hotmail.com
No msn nevermind, please updates yourself in this blog


Monday, June 22, 2009

CPS finalize tshirt design

5th Exco Meeting

Below are the issues and i have summarized what we have discussed during the meeting.

*Every 2 weeks have an exco meeting.- all the committee member, please send your time table to chairperson Tong Ka Yan (tkyayin@hotmail.com) in order to look for suitable time for exco meeting.

*approval of society logo.

*find 2 quotation for t-shirt

*Look for Ms Sevanes whether we have petty cash for our society fund. ( Irene should look for DSA for more details.)

*We still can recruit students for OC if they want to join CPS ( already asked Ms.Sevanes).

*The activities as proposed last time like Drug addicts sharing, jail visit, whipping demo, and fund raising must move on according to plan. The organizing chairperson must form the organizing committee as fast as possible, especially the fund raising.

*Collaboration with other society like wushu club for mega event.

*Organize an ice breaking for all the CPS new members and committee members, and also invite them to join the organizing committee for the coming activities.

Saturday, May 2, 2009